If you’re working with a real estate agent to list your property, more than likelythey’ll provide you with a Comparative Market Analysis (
Many people are surprised when they find out that the market value of their home is much more than they thought, so investing in a professional appraisal actually allowed these people to receive several thousand more dollars than they thought they would when their home was sold. Others have an inflated opinion of their home's value and an appraisal helped them to realistically price their home in order for it to sell. An overpriced home will not attract buyers, which means no offers and no closing and that you have wasted valuable time, money, and efforts. Improvements to add value WHAT'S MY PROPERTY WORTH? ATTENTION: New York Property Owners: Need to know the value range of your property as compared to similar properties in your neighborhood? E-mail to us at Grecoappraisals@aol.com the following information: Name: Property Address: Descrption of your property i.e. 4 Bedroom Cape, 25 years old, finished basement, 2 car garage ect: Your e-mail address: and your credit card information (credit cards only) and we will provide you with a minimum of 10 recent sale in your neighborhood which will enable you to determine the present value range of your property. You can use this information to assist you in establishing the value of your property, challenge your proeprty taxes, settle disputes, or for plain simple knowledge. Our fee for this APPRAISAL RESEARCH SERVICE is $75.00 and we will either e-mail the data to your e-mail address or at your request fax the information to your office. We accept all credit cards.
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